What's up with men sitting on the sidelines at Christmas time? Why do the women do all the work, keep the family engaged, make all the arrangements--and we just show up? (This is not always the case, but it is a frequent complaint of women around the holidays.) I even heard of one husband who asked his wife on December 24, "What are we getting the children for Christmas?"
This year, make it different! Be a partner in the work and the joy of Christmas. That means more than putting up the tree and hanging the hard to reach stuff. Make it a time of communion with your partner around a blessed time of year. If you are uncertain as to what to do, try these ideas:
- Get involved in the decision making about gifts and the shopping as well--and show some excitement
- Help pick out, mount and trim the tree down to the last ornament (make sure Christmas music is playing and not a ball game)
- Plan to get the entire family to a special church service
- Christmas shows on TV get priority over sports shows
- Initiate the reading of the Christmas story before opening gifts
- Read scriptures and have a prayer of thanksgiving every night till Christmas (and beyond!)
- Have a real conversation with your partner about what makes the season special for her--then make it happen
- I'm sure you can think of others, but the message is BE THERE. Being busy with work does not excuse us from active participation in the season.
What are your ideas about this? Post them on the blog.
This really hit home! Thanks.